Rewards and House System

Rewards, The House System and Jack Petchey

Achievement House Points
To consistently reward pupils, we use SIMS to reward pupils with ‘House Points’. Every single member of staff has access to SIMS, and they can use this to give out House Points for a variety of different reasons.

Below are some of the ways that pupils can earn House Points. Teachers may issue points for other achievements which are not listed here too.

House Points will be provided for academic reasons, such as:

  • Completing classwork to a high standard
  • Excellent effort in lessons
  • Making a positive contribution to a lesson
  • Completing homework to a high standard
  • Attempting the challenge or mastery questions
  • Achieving a good grade in a key piece/exam
  • Excellent reading in lessons

House Points will also be provided for exhibiting the school values:

  • Respect
  • Teamwork
  • Resilience
  • Ambition
  • Integrity
  • Leadership
  • Self-Belief


Pupils at Hurstmere will have many opportunities to be rewarded with House Points every single day at school. These points will be tallied up at the end of every week and pupils can receive a variety of different rewards at different stages of the year. In addition to these rewards below, all staff can provide their own rewards for students throughout the year.

Weekly Rewards

  • Praise postcard sent home for the top 10 in House Points in every year group.
  • Recognition on the school website and on the school’s reward notice board for the top 10 in House Points in every year group.
  • Principal’s Reward Voucher – 2 students in each group, nominated by members of staff, will receive a free lunch voucher delivered by the principal.

Half-Termly Rewards

  • The highest achieving form in House Points will in each year group will receive a prize.
  • A £10 voucher will be drawn randomly for a student in each year group. Every House Point = 1 ticket into the draw.

Termly Rewards

  • A certificate home for the top 10 achievers in each year group. This is selected by a combination of House Points, tracking data and punctuality.
  • A £10 voucher will also be awarded with the certificate.
  • The highest achieving form in House Points will in each year group will receive a prize

The House System
Every time a pupil receives a House Point, this will count as a point for their respective House. House Points are also awarded for large whole school events, such as sports day and various other inter house competitions. House assemblies are run throughout the year to inform pupils of House achievements.

The total number of House Points for each House is shown on the front page of the website. The competitive spirit of the House system helps to inspire and motivate pupils to achieve House Points for their respective House.

At the end of each school year, the winning House is awarded with a trophy and there are specific events put on throughout the year for the House with the most points.

Jack Petchey

Hurstmere is fortunate to be a part of the ‘Gold Level Jack Petchey Award Scheme’, which is a reward and recognition scheme for schools to help celebrate the achievements of specific pupils.

One pupil is chosen to receive an Achievement Award each month throughout the school year.

The winner will receive a framed certificate, a pin badge and £250 to spend on a school project of their choice. This fantastic achievement allows pupils to contribute to school life in a positive way. The winner will also be invited to a borough presentation at the end of the year where they receive a framed certificate alongside the other winners that school year.

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
R. Laggoune T. Wood Z. Lee Z. Ould K. Kempster
K. Campbell M. McCarthy J. Phillips L. Collett O. Leek
K. Kusi-Appouh S. Ruby R. Annett J. Bronock L. Twort
C. Dunn L. Pendry L. Linin A. Naik F. Pressney
L. Morgan N. Maroni A. Thomas R. Ashdown K. Perry
F. Adams G. Burgess W. Wood B. O'Sullivan H. Dadd
J. Holmes H. Collins B. Mellor J. Magness M. Holder
S. Griffith R. Simmons J. Harrison-Hall B. Ivanov J. Watts
L. Morgan H. Barnett C. Fulks L. Mattingly O. Wyborn
O. Beebe L. Carter-Pini L. Wigley C. Brennan J. Beaumont